Thoroughbreds Are Like Toddlers

I only have one toddler but I have been around a fair amount of tiny humans in my life. Words that come to mind when describing toddlers are stubborn, emotional, reactive, flighty, and insecure. Sound familiar??

Our lovely thoroughbreds always keep us on our toes, just like toddlers do. One minute my thoroughbred will be standing, head down, back foot rested, napping quietly, and the next he looks like the victim being chased in a horror movie. I’m talking whites of the eyes showing, heart pounding, heavy breathing, the whole bit. One minute my toddler will be contentedly watching a movie and the next it’s full-blown drama time.


I think it’s hilarious how toddlers and thoroughbreds both want their “freedom” and “independence” yet they have NO IDEA how to react when left to their own devices. More often than not, it’s right back to “you’re still there, right mom?!” with either party.

It takes a quiet but firm hand to train a thoroughbred, and to raise a toddler. If you don’t make your expectations clear and make it understood that there are consequences to their actions, you’re likely to end up on the floor (really with either of them, honestly). There have been times where I overdid the discipline with my thoroughbred, and it took a long time to gain his trust back. There have been times where I overdid the discipline with my toddler, with the same result. There have also been times where I have not been clear enough about “my rules” with my toddler or thoroughbred, and, you guessed it, no bueno.

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I truly love other breeds of horses, but thoroughbreds are my absolute favorites. It’s so engaging to try to figure out exactly how to go about your relationship with each of them, as it is with kids. No two are the same, yet there are certain qualities that can apply to all. Isn’t that fascinating? Now, please proceed with caution, kindness, and a firm hand while you tackle your toddlers or train your thoroughbreds!